Warm Greetings to our Solstice Sisters near and far! Happy February to each and every one of you. We are brimming with excitement to be together again in June.
The 2024 WSS Council recently completed a weekend “Planning Camp” to find our Theme for 2024. We spent time our Sacred Bundle, we shared our hearts, and we sang and drummed energy into our collaborative vision.
Together as a Council, and with each of you in our hearts, we began to weave the beautiful tapestry that will become our Solstice Gathering this summer…
As always when we share, we were SO surprised by how many of us are going through many big things. Challenges, joys, changes, losses, gains — yet we all showed up — away from the world to gather together in Ceremony.
As we laughed and shared the mysteries of all of our lives, one theme kept recurring as we pondered “How do we do it all? In our relationships? With our healing?”
And the answer kept coming:
“She knows…She knows…She Knows the Way!”
As we sat and voiced our very real concerns about our daughters, we realized… She Knows the Way.
As we look to heal our hearts and bodies, we remembered… She Knows the Way.
As we grow in power, patience, grace, wisdom, and love we know… She Knows the Way!
From our hearts to yours, the theme for our 2024 WSS Gathering will be:
“She Knows the Way”
We would love to hear from YOU what “She Knows the Way” of in your life? Of Medicine Plants. Of the EarthMother. Of her Grandmothers. Of her Own Path.
These knowings will be woven into workshops, ceremonies, and more offerings at our Summer Celebration — we can’t wait to share with all of our sisters!
As we prepare for our Solstice gathering, we would love to connect and hear what our sisters have to say!
Connect with us on Facebook and tell us how the theme starts to resonate with you! Once you are on the WSS Facebook page, please join the Private Group “WSS Talking Circle” to express your thoughts 🙂
Share your art and creative energy that express “She Knows the Way”. Photography, drawings, poems, songs — please share with us! Kindly submit your art to wsscouncil@gmail.com.
As a reminder, Registration for our 2024 Summer Solstice opens on March 1, 2024.