Step into the flow . . .

Women’s Summer Solstice, despite the name, is a series of ceremonies throughout the year. Beginning in October, the WSS Council gathers monthly in sacred circle to connect, pray, sing, and plan. We’ve been hard at work and are so excited to announce . . .

Women’s Summer Solstice June 16 – 19, 2022

Registration opens March 1

The work we do

From manifesting a theme, to ordering the port-a-potties, the WSS Council’s work together is a labor of love. There are many moving parts to the event. None of these parts work without the key component – our sisterhood! It is you, the women who answer our call, who create our sacred circle. Every single soul in attendance is precious, vital, and a gift to the community.

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Please consider what you might bring to our gathering. Is it a teaching, a healing modality, a workshop, a children’s activity? Are you called to ceremony? To tending the land? What does “Step into the flow” mean to you?

Start thinking about it, and you can let us know on your registration form. A council member will then reach out to you to help you integrate your gift into the weekend.

In love and sisterhood,

WSS Council